Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit

Precious Vessels of the Holy Spirit

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The Lives & Counsels of Contemporary Elders of Greece

This volume presents the lives and counsels of eight contemporary Elders of Greece: Amphilochios of Patmos, Epiphanios of Athens, Iakovos of Evia, Joseph the Hesychast, Paisios the Athonite, Philotheos of Paros, Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia, and George of Drama. The text includes extensive commentaries on the lives and counsels, detailed maps, and a glossary of theological terms, making it an invaluable source of spiritual orientation and enlightenment for every seeker of Christian Orthodoxy.

ISBN: 978-14662140-7-1
Size 5½ x 8½ in., 216 pages
Published by the Protecting Veil Press, Thessalonica, Greece.