Byzantine Music Links
Highly recommended links are marked with *****
General Sites
+ American Society of Byzantine Music and Hymnology
+, by Dimitri Koubaroulis *****
+, by Panayiotis Papdemetriou (in Greek)
+ Axion Estin Foundation
+ Byzantine Chant Discussion Group *****
+ Byzantine Chant Studies Page, by Daniel Johnson
+ Byzantine Music and Musicology, by John Spirakis
+ Byzantine Music at the Ecumenical Patriarchate
+ Orthodoxia Radio, by Subdeacon Karim El-Far
+ Psaltic Notes, by Fr. Constantine Terss
+ Psaltologion Discussion Group (in Greek and English) *****
+ Syllogos Mousikophilon Constantinoupoleos (in Greek)
Learning Byzantine Music
+ Teach Yourself Byzantine Notation: exercises with recordings, by Ioannis Margaziotis *****
+ Anastasimatarion Instructional Videos, by George Hatzichronoglou *****
+ Basic Lessons in Chant Notation, by John Presson
+ Byzantine Chant Audio Training and Exercise, by Subdeacon Karim
+ Byzantine Music 101, by Nick Giannoukakis
+ Byzantine Prosomoia in Greek, by Ioannis Kastrinakis
+ Instruction in the Hymnology of Holy Week, by Apostolos Combitsis
+ "Krepis" Byzantine Music Theory Book, by Theodore Phokaeus in 1864 (22 Mb)
+ Learn to Chant, by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
+ Reading Psalmodia, by David Melling *****
+ Recordings of the Anastasimatarion in "Parallage" and "Melos", by Fr. Panaretos
Articles on Byzantine Music
+ Acta Musicae Byzantinae (some articles in English but most in Romanian)
+ Adapting Byzantine Music to Foreign Languages, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ Byzantine Music Theory for Western Musicians, by Stan Takis *****
+ Chant Development, by
+ A Comparison of Byzantine and Western Music, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ Deficiencies of Post-Byzantine Notation, by Demetrios Nerantzis (in Greek) *****
+ Early Christian and Byzantine Music, by Dimitri Conomos
+ Early Orthodox Chant and Music, by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
+ Essay on Byzantine Music (in Greek), by Stamatia Prapa
+ History of Byzantine Music (in Greek), by Georgios Papadopoulos
+ The History of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Chant, by Dimitri Conomos
+ The Intervals of the Soft Chromatic Modal Genre, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ An Introduction to Byzantine Music, by P.A. Procopiou
+ Isokratema Technique, by Lykourgos Angelopoulos
+ The Neume Notation Project, by Louis W. G. Barton
+ The Life and Work of John Sakellarides, by Alexander Lingas
+ The Organ and Orthodox Spirituality, by Fr. George Metallinos (in English & Greek)
+ Orthodox Byzantine Music, by Dimitri Conomos
+ Patriarchal Encyclical of 1846 against Harmonized Byzantine Music (in English)
+ Patriarchal Encyclical of 1846 against Harmonized Byzantine Music (in Greek)
+ Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd International Conference of the ASBMH, (2007 and 2009)
+ Spiritual Problems of using Instruments and Polyphony in Church, by Ivan Gardner
+ The Transcription, Adaptation, and Composition of Traditional Byzantine Chant in the English Language, by John Michael Boyer
+ Words and Music in Orthodox Worship, by David Drillock
Audio Samples of Byzantine Music
+ Al Orthodoxiya Radio Station
+ Byzantine Chants in English, by Daniel Johnson
+ Byzantine and European Hymns and Songs, by Dimitrios Houpas *****
+ Byzantinon Melos (Chanters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate)
+ Church of Greece Website
+ Friends of Byzantine Music on Facebook
+ Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Website
+ "Ihohroma" Byzantine Music Choir
+ Montreal Psaltiki, by Georgios Michalakis
+ Samples of Liturgical Chants
+ "Studio 52" online store with Byzantine Music CD's
Byzantine Music Notation
+ 106 Rules of Byzantine Music Orthography (in English), by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ 106 Rules of Byzantine Music Orthography (in Greek), by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ Braille Byzantine Music Notation, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ Byzantine Music Formulae, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ Byzantine Notation Computer Font Project, by Fr. Constantine Terss
+ Byzantine vs. Western Notation, by St. Anthony's Monastery
+ "Byzantini Kalamos" Music Program
+ "Byzwriter 2.0" (Byzantinographos) Music Program
+ Free Byzantine Music Fonts, "EZ Psaltica" by St. Anthony's Monastery *****
(also includes macros that automatically align notes and make appropriate notes red)
+ Free Byzantine Music Fonts, "BZ Byzantina" by Stefanos Souldatos
+ "Melodos" Byzantine Music Program *****
+ Virtual Psaltica 2009+, by Dimitris Mousiakis
Sheet Music
+ Byzantine Chant Studies Page, by Daniel Johnson
+ St. George Byzantine Music Publishing, by John Velon (Greek hymns in staff notation)
+ Byzantine Prosomoia, by Holy Transfiguration Monastery (84 pages, 8.8 MB)
+ The Divine Music Project, by St. Anthony's Monastery *****
+ Liturgical Texts, Music and Recordings, by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes *****
+ Music Texts, by Hieromonk Seraphim Dedes
+ Orthodox Liturgical Music, by Holy Cross Church
+ New Byzantium Publications, by Nancy and Stan Takis
Online Stores with Byzantine Music Books (in Greek)
+ Thorough List of Byzantine Music Books, by St. Anthony's Monastery *****
(also includes links to more than 70 free dowloadable books)
+ List of Downloadable Scanned Liturgical Books in Greek (text without music) *****
+ Ekdoseis Michael Polychronakis
+ *****
+ (books by Hieromonk Hierotheos)
+ *****
+ (orders by phone)
Exhaustive Lists of Links
+ Liturgy and Music of the Orthodox Church, by Ivan Moody
+ Links at, by Dimitri Koubaroulis
If you have any additions or corrections for this webpage, please Contactează-ne
Last Modified: July 29th, 2021
If you find any problems on the Divine Music Project pages, please contact us through this form.