Elizabethan English

Slow Doxologies
First Mode, by Iakovos the Protopsaltis
Plagal Second Mode, by George Violakis
Plagal Fourth Mode, by Iakovos the Protopsaltis

Brief Doxologies (English)
First Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Second Mode, by John Kavadas
Third Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Fourth Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal First Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal Second Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Grave Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal Fourth Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis

Brief Doxologies (Greek)
First Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal Fourth Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis

Today is Salvation
In all eight modes, by Peter the Peloponnesian

After Rising from the Tomb
In all plagal modes, by Hieromonk Gregory

Modern English

Slow Doxologies
First Mode, by Iakovos the Protopsaltis
Plagal Second Mode, by George Violakis
Plagal Fourth Mode, by Iakovos the Protopsaltis

Brief Doxologies
First Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Second Mode, by John Kavadas
Third Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Fourth Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal First Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal Second Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Grave Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis
Plagal Fourth Mode, by Manuel the Protopsaltis

Today is Salvation
In all eight modes, by Peter the Peloponnesian

After Rising from the Tomb
In all plagal modes, by Hieromonk Gregory

To download all the music for the Doxologies, click here (75 pages, 7.3 Mb)

To download all the music for the entire book, click here (678 pages, 117 Mb)

All hymns here in Byzantine notation are only in English. Hymns in Greek were not written out in Byzantine notation for this website since they are already available in published books of Byzantine music.

To view (and print) a hymn, click the word "view" next to the hymn you want. To hear a hymn played by your computer, click the word "hear" next to the hymn you want. Finale NotePad 2005 required - Click here for free download

Note: Clicking a "MUS" link will open a playable Finale file. In order to hear the music with Finale NotePad, you need to click on the green triangle button in its toolbar. You may need to increase the volume settings on your computer, since the playback volume of Finale files is rather low. Even though these files may be printed, it is not suggested to do so, since the fonts and graphics will not appear as they should. Clicking a "View" link will open a PDF file, which is meant to be printed.

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