These recordings are a work-in-progress, and more will be added over time.
Please see the changelog at the bottom of this page for information about updates.
If you would like to record audiobooks and have them posted publicly here for the benefit of others, please contact us.
Please see the changelog at the bottom of this page for information about updates.
If you would like to record audiobooks and have them posted publicly here for the benefit of others, please contact us.
Books in English
by Geronda Ephraim
by St. Nikolai Velimirovic
- July 1st
- July 2nd
- July 3rd
- July 4th
- July 5th
- July 6th
- July 7th
- July 8th
- July 9th
- July 10th
- July 11th
- July 12th
- July 13th
- July 14th
- July 15th
- July 16th
- July 17th
- July 18th
- July 19th
- July 20th
- July 21st
- July 22nd
- July 23nd
- July 24th
- July 25th
- July 26th
- July 27th
- July 28th
- July 29th
- July 30th
- July 31st
by Geronda Ephraim
- Introduction
- Prologue
- Ch.1 On Salvation and Paradise
- Ch.2 On Afflictions, Pains, and Labors (1-10)
- Ch.2 On Afflictions, Pains, and Labors (11-30)
- Ch.2 On Illness (1-2)
- Ch.2 On Illness (3-11)
- Ch.2 On Illness (12-16)
- Ch.3 On Sin, Repentance, Mourning, and Tears
- Ch.3 On Confession and Spiritual Accounting
- Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (1-5)
- Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (6-14)
- Ch.4 On Monasticism, Virginity, and Purity (15-20)
- Ch.4 On the World and Family
- Ch.5 On Obedience, Disobedience, and Cutting off the Will
- Ch.5 Homilies and Stories on Obedience
- Ch.5 Homilies on Monastic Obedience
- Ch.5 Homilies on Patristic Obedience
- Ch.5 Homilies on Conscience and Obedience
- Selections on Obedience
- On Reverence and Love for the Elder
- Ch.6 On Remembrance of Death (1-9)
- Ch.6 On Remembrance of Death (10-17)
- Ch.6 On Remembrance of Death (18-24)
- Ch.7 On Passions
- Ch.7 On Carnal Warfare
- Ch.7 On Anger
- Ch.7 On the Warfare with the Demons
- Ch.7 On the Spiritual Struggle
- Ch.8 On Cowardice and Negligence
- Ch.8 On Forcefullness, Courage, and Self Denial (1-10)
- Ch.8 On Forcefulness, Courage, and Self Denial (11-24)
- Ch.9 On Condemnation
- Ch.9 On Silence, Idle Talk, and Boldness
- Ch.10 On Pride, Self-Reproach, and Humility
- Ch.10 Excerpt from a Homily, On Humility
by St. Theophan the Recluse
- Introduction
- Letter 1
- Letter 2
- Letter 3
- Letter 4
- Letter 5
- Letter 6
- Letter 7
- Letter 8
- Letter 9
- Letter 10
- Letter 11
- Letter 12
- Letter 13
- Letter 14
- Letter 15
- Letter 16
- Letter 17
- Letter 18
- Letter 19
- Letter 20
- Letter 21
- Letter 22
- Letter 23
- Letter 24
- Letter 25
- Letter 26
- Letter 27
- Letter 28
- Letter 29
- Letter 30
- Letter 31
- Letter 32
- Letter 33
- Letter 34
- Letter 35
- Letter 36
- Letter 37
by Hesychasterion of St. Ephraim
- Letter of H.H. Bartholomew I
- Translator's Note
- Preface
- I. Origins - Youth
- II. The Hesychastic Place
- II. The Elders
- II. The Struggle of the Novice
- III. Elder Joseph
- III. You've Been Looking
- III. Obedience
- III. Ioannikios
- III. States of Grace
- III. Temptations
- III. The Matter of the
- III. Elder Joseph's Last
- IV. With Fr. Nikiforos
- IV. Tug of War
- IV. The Golden Grandmother
- IV. Spiritual Support
- IV. A Monk Should Only Have a Little
- IV. Illness, Toil, Divine Perception
- IV. "You're an Angel"
- IV. Alone
- V. Prospective Monks
- V. He Forms a Brotherhood
- V. First Teachings
- V. Practical Teachings
- V. Time and Objects
by Metropolitan Hierotheos
- Ch.11: Ascension 1
- Ch.11: Ascension 2
- Ch.11: Ascension 3
- Ch.11: Ascension 4
- Ch.11: Ascension 5
- Ch.11: Ascension 6
- Ch.11: Ascension 7
- Ch.11: Ascension 8
- Ch.11: Ascension 9
- Ch.11: Ascension 10
- Ch.11: Ascension 11
- Ch.11: Ascension 12
- Ch.11: Ascension 13
- Ch.11: Ascension 14
- Ch.11: Ascension 15
- Ch.11: Ascension 16 Conclusion
- Ch.12: Pentecost Introduction
- Ch.12: Pentecost 1
- Ch.12: Pentecost 2
- Ch.12: Pentecost 3
- Ch.12: Pentecost 4
- Ch.12: Pentecost 5
- Ch.12: Pentecost 6
- Ch.12: Pentecost 7
- Ch.12: Pentecost (8-10)
- Ch.12: Pentecost (11-13)
- Ch.12: Pentecost (14, Conclusion)
by Metropolitan Hierotheos
- 1 Preface to the English Edition
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Ch.1 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
- 4 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis of the Parable
- 5 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 6 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 7 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 8 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 9 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 10 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 11 Ch.1 Interpretative Analysis (cont)
- 12 Ch.2 The Separation of the Soul from the Body
- 13 Ch.2 The Creation and Genesis of the Soul
- 14 Ch.2 Death and the Anscestral Sin
- 15 Ch.2 The Mystery of the Soul's Departure from the Body
- 16 Ch.2 The Taxing of Souls
- 17 Ch.2 The Taxing of Souls (cont)
- 18 Ch.2 The Intermediate State of Souls
- 19 Ch.2 The Death of Infants
- 20 Ch.2 Conclusions
- 21 Ch.3 Experiences After Death
- 22 Ch.3 Contemporary After-Death Experiences
- 23 Ch.3 Critique of these Experiences
- 24 Ch.3 The Discernment of Experiences
- 25 Ch.4 The Immortality of the Soul
- 26 Ch.4 The Immortality of the Soul According to Orthodox Theology
- 27 Ch.4 Thnetopsychism and the Orthodox Church
- 28 Ch.5 The Purifying Fire
- 29 Ch.5 The Discussions at Ferrara-Florence
- 30 Ch.5 The Teaching of St. Mark Evgenicus
- 31 Ch.5 Dogmatic Discussion is Needed
- 32 Ch.5 Paradise and Hell Exist
- 33 Ch.5 There is no Purifying Fire
- 34 Ch.5 Theological Arguments Against the Existance of a Purifying Fire
- 35 Ch.5 Interpretation of an Apostolic Passage
- 36 Ch.5 Patristic Passages in the Dialogue
- 37 Ch.5 The Eternal Fire is Uncreated
- 38 Ch.5 What is the Source of the Latin's Teaching on the Purifying Fire
- 39 Ch.6 The Second Coming of Christ
- 40 Ch.6 The Coming of Christ in Glory
- 41 Ch.6 The Resurrection of the Dead
- 42 Ch.6 The Coming Judgement
- 43 Ch.6 The Coming Judgement (cont)
- 44 Ch.7 Paradise and Hell
- 45 Ch.7 The Holy Fathers on Paradise and Hell
- 46 Ch.7 The Holy Fathers on Paradise and Hell (cont)
- 47 Ch.7 Paradise and Hell in the Life of the Church
- 48 Ch.7 The Theological and Ecclesiological Consequences of this Truth
- 49 Ch.8 The Restoration of all Things
- 50 Ch.8 The Views of the Interpreters of the Position of St. Gregory of Nyssa
- 51 Ch.8 Interpretive Commentary on the Teaching of St. Gregory of Nyssa
- 52 Ch.8 His Views about Philosophy
- 53 Ch.8 His Teaching about Man's Choice and the Perpetuity of Hell
- 54 Ch.8 Interpretive Analysis of Particular Passages
- 55 Ch.8 Interpretation of St Gregory by the Fathers
- 56 Ch.8 Conclusion
- 57 Ch.9 Eternal Life
- 58 Ch.9 The Kingdom of God
- 59 Ch.9 The Renewal of Creation
- 60 Ch.9 The Continuing Development in the Age to Come
- 61 Ch.9 The Continuing Development in the Age to Come (cont)
- 62 Ch.10 Diachronic Eschatology
- 63 Ch.10 Time in the Orthodox Conception
- 64 Ch.10 The Past and Present of the Last Things
- 65 Ch.10 The Last Things as the First
- 66 Ch.10 The Last Things as Present
- 67 Epilogue
- 68 The Feast of the Kingdom
by St. Paisios the Athonite
- 01 Prologue
- 02 Introduction
- 03 Fr. Tychon I
- 04 Elder Evlogios
- 05 Elder Pachomios
- 06 Fr. Seraphim the Anchorite
- 07 The Unknown Anchorite
- 08 Hieromonk Anthimos
- 09 The Wondrous Fr Daniel
- 10 Elder Cosmas
- 11 Fr Philaretos the Abbot
- 12 Elder Peter (Petrakis)
- 13 Elder Avgoustinos
- 14 Elder Georgios the Anchorite
- 15 Elder Philaretos
- 16 Elder Ephraim the Wretch
- 17 Elder Constantine the fool for Christ
- 18 Father Savvas of Esphigmenou
- 19 Elder Tryphon
- 20 Father Cyril
- 21 The Hieromonk tormented because of pride
- 22 The unprepared clergy God prevented from serving
- 23 Elder Habakkuk
- 24 Two bumptious deluded monks
- 25 The wilfull deciple
- 26 The devout and obedient disciple
- 27 The wilful and negligent novice monk
- 28 The negligent young monk
- 29 The negligent elderly monk
- 30 An angel castigates idiorrythmic monastery
- 31 The brother who was saved without effort by not judging
- 32 Fathers Methodios and Joecheim foreknowledge of death
- 33 The disobedient disciple who was saved by hope in God
- 34 The chanter who conversed with a departed brother
- 35 Panaghia anoints a devout young man
- 36 A faithful novice is cured by Christ
- 37 Illnesses are beneficial and rewarded if we patiently endure
- 38 The ministering monk who complained
- 39 The careless talk of naive monk corrected by God
- 40 Panagia protects and watches over the monks
- 41 The righteous martyr Damianos cures a young monk
- 42 The value of a monk
- 43 The power of the monk's prayer
- 44 The power of the komboschoini
- 45 The power of the Jesus Prayer
- 46 The Jesus Prayer with exertion
- 47 The monks spiritual misery comes from worldly convenience
- 48 Worldly logic brings spiritual ruin
- 49 Quietude and carefreeness are prerequisites for the spiritual life
- 50 Monks must be a good example for the laity
- 51 St George caters for his feast
- 52 St Spyridon caters for his feast
- 53 God's blessing comes when we give a blessing
- 54 The providence of the Sweetly Kissing Panaghia towards Philotheou
- 55 The merciless monk who became deluded
- 56 The monk who was saved from dreadful delusion
- 57 Pleasant events
- 58 Angel of the Eighth Age
- 59 The return to God from Earth to Heaven
by Metropolitan Hierotheos
Gerontissa Makrina Vassopoulou
- Forward
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 7-8
- Chapter 9-10
- Homily 1
- Homily 2
- Homily 3
- Homily 4
- Homily 5
- Homilies 6 - 9
- Homilies 10 - 12
- Homilies 13 - 15
- Homily 16
- Homily 17
- Homily 18
- Homily 19a
- Homily 19b
- Homily 20
- Homily 21a
- Homily 21b
- Homily 22
- Homily 23
- Homily 24a
- Homily 24b
- Homily 25
- Homily 26a
- Homily 26b
- Homily 27a
- Homily 27b
- Homily 28
- Homily 29a
- Homily 29b
- Homily 30-31
- Homily 32
- Homily 33
- Homily 34a
- Homily 34b
- Homily 35
- Homily 36a
- Homily 36b
- Homily 37-38
- Homily 39
- Homily 40
- Homily 41-42
- Homily 43
- Homily 44
- Homily 45
- Homily 46a
- Homily 46b
- Homily 47a
- Homily 47b
- Homily 48a
- Homily 48b
- Homily 49
- Homily 50
- Homily 51
- Homily 52
- Homily 53
- Homily 54
- Homily 55
- Homily 56
- Homily 57
- Homily 58
- Homily 59
- Homily 60a
- Homily 60b and 61
- Homily 62 and 63
- Homily 64
St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery
- Prologue by Geronda Ephraim
- Introduction: The Trial of the Soul at the Hour of Death
- Prolegomenon by Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Paisios
- Ch 1) The Lives of the Saints
- From the Life of St Basil the New
- From the Life of St Anthony the Great
- From the Life of St Nephon Bishop of Constantiana
- From the Life of St Daniel of Scetis
- From the Life of St Peter the Merciful Tax Collector
- From the Life of St John the Merciful
- From the Life of St Fursey of Ireland
- From the Life of St Lazaros of Mt Galesion
- Ch 2) The Writings of the Saints
- St Isaiah of Scetis
- St John Chrysostom
- St Amphilochios of Iconium
- St Cyril of Alexandria
- St Gregory the Dialogist
- St Anastasios the Great
- St Boniface of Credition
- St Symeon the New Theologian
- St Neilos of Sora
- St Theophan the Recluse
- St John of Kronstadt
- St Justin Popovic
- Geronda Ephraim of Arizona
- Metropolitan Makarios of Moscow
- Hieromartyr Daniel Sysoev
- Ch 3) Iconography
- Ch 4) On Commemoration and Prayer for the Departed
- Epilogue by Geronda Ephraim of Arizona
- Appendix A) List of Scripture Verses
- Appendix B) Canon for the Departure of the Soul
Books in Greek
Γέροντας Εφραίμ
Γερόντισσα Μακρίνα
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2a
- Chapter 2b
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4a
- Chapter 4b
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6a
- Chapter 6b
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8-9
- Chapter 10
- 1971a
- 1971b
- 1979a
- 1979b
- 1979c
- 1979d
- 1980-1981
- January 1981
- January 1981b
- February 1981
- March 1981
- August 1981
- November 1981
- December 1981
- December 1981b
- 1982a
- 1982b
- 1983a
- 1983b
- 1983c
- Sept 1983
- Dec 27 1983a
- Dec 27 1983b
- Dec 31 1983
- June 1984a
- June 1984b
- June 1984c
- Jan 1985a
- Jan 1985b
- Theophania 1985a
- Theophania 1985b
- Apr 1985a
- Apr 1985b
- May 1985a
- May 1985b
- May 1985c
- All Saints 1986a
- All Saints 1986b
- Sept 1986a
- Sept 1986b
- Dec 1986
- Dec 1987
- Dec 26 1987a
- Dec 26 1987b
Books in Russian
by Geronda Ephraim
- 1 In the World
- 2 On the Holy Mountain
- 3 First Day
- 4 Education of the Lord
- 5 Difficult Conditions
- 6 Give Blood and Receive Spirit
- 7 Our Vigil
- 8 Fighting Sleep
- 9 Struggle with Thoughts
- 10 Our Attitude Towards our Elder
- 11 Trapeza
- 12 Fasting
- 13 Silence
- 14 Obedience
- 15 Jesus Prayer
- 16 Spiritual Fruit
- 17 My Illnesses
- 18 Departure from the Old Calendar Zealots
- 19 Our Ordinations
- 20 Our Needlework
- 21 Relocation to a New Skete
- 22 Our Cats
- 23 Jesus Prayer and the Possessed Youth
- 24 Father Simon
- 25 The Last Year of the Elder
- 26 Reverend Passing of the Elder
- 27 Burial
- 28 Miracles After his Passing
- 29 Finding Relics
- 30 Posthumous Phenomena and Miracles
Books in Romanian
by Gheronda Efrem
- Lăudând Pastile cele veșnice
- Cămara Ta, Mântuitorule
- Sfințirea sufletului
- Un singur lucru trebuieste(Mântuirea sufletului)
- Ascultare-Viața, Neascultare-Moarte
- Ascultarea cea imitatoare a lui Hristos
- Ascultare și nevoința duhovniceasca 1
- Ascultare și nevoința duhovniceasca 2
- Zelul duhovnicesc
Books in Arabic
2-28-25: Added 5 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it".2-2-25: Added 5 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it".
9-26-24: Added 6 parts to "My Elder Joseph the Hesychast", added 4 parts to "The Life of St Makrina", added 2 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς".
7-4-24: Added 5 parts to new audiobook "The Life of St Makrina", added 6 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς".
5-22-24: Added 8 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς". 2-11-24: Added 7 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς", added 3 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it".
11-28-23: Added 4 parts to "My Elder Joseph the Hesychast", added 1 part to "Λογια καρδιάς".
11-13-23: Added 9 parts to "My Elder Joseph the Hesychast", added 2 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς".
11-11-23: Added 2 parts to new audiobook "My Elder Joseph the Hesychast"
10-25-23: Added 10 parts to audiobook "Λογια καρδιάς"
8-22-23: Added 3 parts to "The Prologue of Ohrid"
7-5-23: Added new full audiobook: "Pascha Transforms Wolfman Tom"
6-1-23: Added 1 part to "Sayings of the Desert Fathers", added 7 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς"
2-21-23: Added 4 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it", added 5 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς".
2-8-23: Added 4 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it", added 5 parts to "Λογια καρδιάς"
1-24-23: Added 2 parts to new Greek audiobook "Λογια καρδιάς - Γερόντισσα Μακρίνα".
1-7-23: Added 3 parts to "Words of the Heart", which completes the book.
12-29-22: Added 4 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it"
12-20-22: Added 11 parts to "Words of the Heart"
12-15-22: Added 17 parts to "Words of the Heart"
10-28-22: Added 2 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to it".
10-19-22: Added 7 parts to "Words of the Heart", added 2 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to Be Attuned to it". Fixed some broken links on "Counsels" and "Spiritual Life".
08-19-22: Added 6 parts to "The Prologue of Ohrid", added 4 parts to "The Spiritual Life and How to Be Attuned to it".
07-20-22: Added 8 parts to new Romanian audiobook: "Arta mântuirii" ("The Art of Salvation").
07-11-22: Added 5 parts to "The Prologue of Ohrid" (July 18th-22nd)
06-06-22: Added 7 parts to audiobook: "The Prologue of Ohrid" (July 11th-17th)
05-31-22: Added 10 parts to new audiobook: "The Prologue of Ohrid" (July 1st-10th)
05-17-22: Added 3 parts to new audiobook: "The Spiritual Life and How to be Attuned to It", by St. Theophan the Recluse
02-01-22: Completed new audiobook: "The Departure of the Soul (Reader's Edition).
01-01-22: Added 43 parts to audiobook "Athonite Fathers and Athonite Matters", which completes the book.
12-14-21: Added 2 parts to "The Sayings of the Desert Fathers", added 12 parts to "Words of the Heart", added 4 parts to new audiobook "The Departure of the Soul".
09-09-21: Added 8 parts to "Words of the Heart", added 1 part to "Counsels from the Holy Mountain".
09-03-21: Added 1 part to "Words of the Heart", added 2 parts to "Counsels from the Holy Mountain".
09-02-21: Added 4 parts to new Arabic audiobook "سيرة حياة القديس أنطونيوس أب الرهبان" ("The Life of St. Anthony the Great").
08-31-21: Added 8 parts to "Words of the Heart", added 1 part to "Counsels from the Holy Mountain".
08-30-21: Added 2 parts to "Words of the Heart".
08-29-21: Added 2 parts to "Counsels from the Holy Mountain", added 1 part to "Words of the Heart".
08-27-21: Added 3 parts to new audiobook "Words of the Heart", added 1 part to "Ο Γέροντάς Μου - Ιωσήφ ο Ησυχαστής".
08-21-21: Added new audiobook "The Way of the Pilgrim".
08-17-21: Added 1 part to "Ο Γέροντάς Μου - Ιωσήφ ο Ησυχαστής".
08-15-21: Added 1 part to "Ο Γέροντάς Μου - Ιωσήφ ο Ησυχαστής".
08-12-21: Added 5 parts to "The Life of St. Anthony the Great".
08-11-21: Added first part to new addition: "Ο Γέροντάς Μου - Ιωσήφ ο Ησυχαστής" ("My Elder Joseph the Hesychast" in Greek).
08-08-21: Added 3 parts to the "Life of St. Anthony the Great".
08-05-21: Added 3 parts to the "Life of St. Anthony the Great".
08-02-21: Added "МОЯ ЖИЗНЬ СО СТАРЦЕМ ИОСИФОМ" ("My Elder Joseph the Hesychast" in Russian).
08-02-21: Added first 7 parts of new addition: "The Life of St. Anthony the Great".
08-01-21: Added 8 to "Counsels from the Holy Mountain", 1 to "The Mind of the Church", 1 to "Elder Ephraim of Katounakia".
07-28-21: Added first 3 parts of new addition: "The Sayings of the Desert Fathers".