12 Canons to the Theotokos — 1 for each of the Eight Modes, plus 4 others
Carefully translated to meter to facilitate chanting and beautifully decorated throughout with Byzantine designs and artwork. Included is a complete biography of Saint Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain written by his brother in Christ.
The rich among the people are the sacred hymnographers of this Theotokarion—rich with the grace of holiness and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (among others, Saint Andrew of Crete and Saint Theodore the Studite). They seek the face of the Ever‑Virgin Mary, praising her in these God-inspired melodies. Saint Nikodemos painstakingly combed the ancient libraries of the Holy Mountain, finding rare, original canons written by an amazing array of holy Fathers and arranged them for every day of the week for the cycle of eight modes. This book contains an anthology of one canon for each mode, plus four others.
Elegant Hardcover with gold overlay
Language: Greek & English
Publisher: Zoë Press
ISBN: 978-1-7325403-5-4
Size: 5 x 7 inches, 312 pages