This book contains the homilies and the life of the venerable Gerondissa Makrina Vassopoulou (+1995), abbess of the Panagia Hodigitria Monastery near Volos, Greece, the spiritual daughter of Geronda Joseph the Hesychast and Geronda Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona. Gerondissa Macrina acquired numerous spiritual gifts and was worthy of very lofty spiritual states.
“The venerable Makrina was blessed. All who read her discourses with prayer will sense the fragrance of Gerondissa’s prayer, the scent of the desert of Mt. Athos as it was experienced in a coenobitic monastery, the spiritual life of this true child of true hesychast fathers, and true mother of blessed nuns.”
-Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
-Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
“Her simple speech speaks to the hearts of all, for it comes from her authentic, holy experiences…. A person of praxis and theoria, Gerondissa was rich in virutes, and she was and still is a guide of others toward Christ and a model of authentic spiritual person, when virtuous examples to follow are becoming increasingly difficult to find.
-Stavros Kourousis, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens
ISBN: 978-0-9802062-1-0
Size 5¼ x 9½ in., 558 pages
Published by St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery
-Stavros Kourousis, Professor Emeritus, University of Athens
ISBN: 978-0-9802062-1-0
Size 5¼ x 9½ in., 558 pages
Published by St. John the Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery