Geronda Ephraim

As Ioannis grew, his desire for monasticism also grew. He started urging his spiritual father to allow him to go to the Holy Mountain, but, his spiritual father, Father Ephraim of Volos, was hoping to start a monastery and wanted to keep Ioannis with him. After some years had passed, Ioannis realized that Father Ephraim was never going to start a monastery, and he decided to go to the Holy Mountain. His mother and Father Ephraim sent him to Saint Joseph the Hesychast, who had also been Father Ephraim’s geronda.
Thus, in the year 1947, Ioannis found himself on the boat for Athos. As he was gazing at the monasteries from the boat, those massive fortresses seemed to him like prisons. His heart became constrained with grief, as if he were facing a life of internment. He asked a monk sitting next to him on the boat where the hut of Geronda Joseph the Hesychast was. The monk saw that Ioannis was all skin and bones, since he was sickly, and told him that he was unfit to join such an austere brotherhood. But when Ioannis insisted, the monk pointed out a small white hut, high up on the mountain like an eagle’s nest. As soon as Ioannis saw how open and free it was, his heart was relieved. It seemed to him like paradise.
When he reached the port of Saint Anne’s Skete6, he was met by Father Arsenios, Saint Joseph’s co-ascetic. When Father Arsenios saw him, he asked, “Aren’t you Yiannaki7 from Volos?” “Yes, Father, but how do you know me?” he replied. “Oh, the Honorable Forerunner appeared to Geronda Joseph last night and said to him, ‘I am bringing you a little lamb. Put it in your sheepfold.’” This was Ioannis’s first encounter with the simple but saintly Father Arsenios, who then led Ioannis up the steep paths to their hut at Little Saint Anne’s Skete.
And so Ioannis began a life of obedience and asceticism next to Saint Joseph. Their life was very austere. They ate only once a day after sundown, did countless prostrations, practiced noetic prayer for hours on end, and kept complete silence, talking only when necessary. And on top of that, Saint Joseph continually reproached and insulted Ioannis.

At that time their brotherhood did not have its own priest for their liturgical needs. Saint Ephraim9 of Katounakia10 would come several times a week to perform the liturgy for them. However, Saint Ephraim’s geronda in Katounakia would not always let him go, thus in 1952, Saint Joseph decided to have Father Ephraim ordained a deacon and Father Haralambos a priest. Father Ephraim also cooked for the brotherhood (an obedience he would keep even after his geronda’s death, cooking for his own disciples). They did not have a kitchen, a stove, an oven, or anything of the sort. He had to cook outside over an open fire, sometimes in very harsh weather. Sometimes the wind was so violent that it scattered all his utensils.
Geronda Ephraim with his brotherhood, New Skete, Mt. Athos 1960's
Because of the harsh climate at Little Saint Anne’s, the brotherhood’s health started to deteriorate. Thus in 1953 Saint Joseph decided that they should move. The Holy Monastery of Saint Paul offered them some hesychastic11 huts by the tower of New Skete12. Finding that these huts were just what they were looking for, they decided to move there. At New Skete, they relaxed their ascetical program somewhat in regards to physical labor and diet, but they continued their noetic struggles and long vigils as before. At that time, Father Ephraim was also ordained a priest. At their new hermitage at New Skete they had two chapels: one dedicated to the Holy Forerunner, where Father Haralambos liturgized13, and one dedicated to the Annunciation of the Theotokos, where Father Ephraim liturgized.
On August 15, 1959, the day the Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition of the Theotokos, Saint Joseph reposed in the Lord, leaving his disciples orphaned. Saint Joseph had instructed his disciples to separate after his death and create brotherhoods of their own. Thus, Father Ephraim became the geronda of the hut of the Annunciation of the Theotokos.
It was not long before the virtuous life of Geronda Ephraim started to attract monastic aspirants. Because his brotherhood was growing rapidly, in 1968 they moved to the skete of Provata, to the cell of Saint Artemios. At that time, most of the monasteries on the Holy Mountain were idiorrhythmic14, with only a few old monks living in each one. Thus, in 1973, the monks of the Holy Monastery of Philotheou asked the geronda to bring his brotherhood there to help repopulate and re-establish it as a cenobitic15 monastery. Initially, the geronda did not want leave their hesychastic life at Saint Artemios and get involved in the distractions of a monastery. But, after being enlightened by God, he agreed. Thus, on October 1, 1973, Geronda Ephraim was enthroned as abbot of the Holy Monastery of Philotheou, a position he held until 1991.
The brotherhood continued to grow rapidly, reaching eighty monks by 1981. At that time, the monastery of Konstamonitou16 asked Geronda Ephraim to send a group of monks to help them also. He consented and sent a group of twenty monks. The same happened in 1983 and 1986, with two other monasteries, Xeropotamou17, and Karakalou18. Thus he revitalized four Athonite monasteries.

In 1979, he went to Canada for medical reasons, and while there, he was invited to confess, counsel, and teach the Orthodox Christians in their churches and homes. Through these meetings he acquired many spiritual children, who urged him to return annually to confess them and guide them in their spiritual lives. He understood that it was God’s will for him to return to Canada and also to visit parishes in the United States. By the appeal of the Orthodox faithful and with the blessing of the bishops of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Geronda Ephraim began the work of establishing monastic communities in North America, which he continued to do after his final move to Arizona in 1995. Orthodox faithful throughout the United States and Canada have embraced, supported, and collaborated in this endeavor. These communities provide spiritual guidance, and they help to preserve the holy traditions of the Church through an exemplary Christian life and devotion to God. Also, by handpicking worthy successors (abbots and abbesses), Geronda Ephraim has ensured the continuity of his apostolic work in serving the Church and her needs.
Until 1989, there was only one monastery in the North American Greek Orthodox Archdioceses. Since then, by God’s grace Geronda Ephraim has founded seventeen monasteries in North America, ten for nuns and seven for monks. The Ecumenical Patriarch visited and blessed four of these monasteries, while prayers from all quarters of the Church continue to help support this unparalleled expansion of Orthodox Monasticism in the western hemisphere.
On the night of December 7, 2019, the Forefeast of Saint Anna’s Conception of the Mother of God, Geronda Ephraim reposed in the Lord. May his memory be eternal.
« St. Joseph Gerontissa Makrina »
1. Nativity of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Theophano
121 St. Elias Lane
Saxonburg, PA 16056 USA
website -
2. St. Kosmas Aitolos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Alexia
14155 Caledon King Town
Line Rd. South
Bolton, Ont. L7E 5R7
website -
3. Panagia Parigoritissa Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Thekla
827 Chemin de la Carriere
Brownsburg (Chatham),
Quebec, J8G 1K7
website -
4. St. John Chrysostomos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Melanie
4600 93rd Street
Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 USA
website -
5. Holy Protection of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Olympiada
1 St. Joseph's Way
White Haven, PA 18661 USA
website -
6. Life-giving Spring of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Markella
38532 Dunlap Rd.
Dunlap, CA 93621 USA -
7. St. John the Honorable Forerunner Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Efpraxia
5 Timmer Lane
Goldendale, WA 98620 USA
website -
8. St. Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery
Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Paisios
4784 N. St. Joseph's Way
Florence, AZ 85132
website -
9. Holy Archangels Greek Orthodox Monastery
Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Dositheos
2191 Twin Sisters Dr.
Kendalia, TX 78027 USA
website -
10. Panagia Vlahernon Greek Orthodox Monastery
Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Polycarp
12600 West Hwy. 318
Williston, FL 32696
website -
11. Annunciation of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Agapia
13486 N.W. Hwy. 225
Reddick, FL 32686 USA
website -
12. Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Monastery
Hieromonk Joseph
125 Sturdevant Rd.
Smith Creek, MI 48061 USA -
13. Panagia Pammakaristos Greek Orthodox Monastery
Hieromonk Nektarios
1631 Creasey Rd.
Lawsonville, NC 27032 USA -
14. Panagia Prousiotissa Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Agne
404 Warner Road
Troy, NC 27371 USA
website -
15. Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbot Akakios
17906 Rt. 173
Harvard, IL 60033 USA
website -
16. St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Monastery
Kathegoumenos Archimandrite Joseph
100 Lake Anawanda Rd.
Roscoe, NY 12776 USA
website -
17. St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Monastery
Abbess Paraskevi
6855 Little York Lane
Washington, TX 77880 USA
Ioannis (ee-oh-Ah-nees) is the Greek form of John.
A geronda is an Orthodox Christian spiritual leader.
Volos is a coastal port city in Thessaly, situated about 205 miles north of Athens and 137 miles south of Thessaloniki.
A prostration is when one makes the sign of the cross over himself and then kneels, touching his head to the ground.
The Holy Mountain, also known as Mount Athos, is an important center of Eastern Orthodox Monasticism located on a peninsula in northeastern Greece. It is governed as an autonomous polity within the Greek Republic. Mount Athos is home to 20 monasteries under the direct jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.
The Skete of St Anne is a dependent idiorrhythmic (hermitage-style) skete, attached to the Great Lavra. It lies on the shore of the Aegean about 875 yards from New Skete.
Yiannaki is a diminutive of Ioannis. It is analogous to Johnny.
The highest rank of monk in the Orthodox Church.
Glorified by the Ecumenical Patriarchate on October 20, 2019.
Katounakia is a group of cells located in the desert region on the southeastern side of the peninsula.
Hesychastic is derived from the Greek word hesychia, which means inner stillness.
New Skete is one of two sketes attached to St. Paul’s Monastery. It is located between St. Paul’s Monastery and St. Anne’s Skete.
I.e., performed the Divine Liturgy.
In an idiorrhythmic monastery, a monk is responsible for providing his own needs and is at liberty to possess his own property and determine his own way of life.
A cenobitic monastery is one in where the monks live a common life under the direction of an abbot (superior monk).
Konstamonitou is on the southeastern side of the Athos peninsula.
Xyropotamou is on the southwestern side of the peninsula.
Karakalou is on the southeastern side of the peninsula.